Monday, 2 June 2014

Unit 320 System Operation

Unit 320
System Operation
– Routine maintenance & – data integrity - Backups to maintain information and integrity,
I would ensure all Antivirus software on all computers are up to date, I would also ensure I change the backup tape on the server on a daily basis to make sure the servers are backed up.
When doing routine maintenance I would check through AD to see if there is any old users that can be removed, I would also check the instrument backup to make sure that they have copied over the correct files from the instruments.
– Health & Safety - Wearing correct protection and using correct tools for any IT job,
If I enter the lab to fix any IT related problem, I would ensure I wear the appropriate clothing, I.e.
 Lab Coat, Safety glasses, Steel toe caps shoes.
– Information recording and reporting - Spiceworks records a ticket from a job so we can compare known issues or problems
If a problem arises in spiceworks, we would enter everything that we have done to the computer and how long it takes to do each job, which would help us in the future if it happens again, as we can look back at the ticket to see what we did.
During normal operation system functionality runs as expected. Hardware & software run to optimal performance and handle each task as needed.
e.g. In the labs the systems run pretty much 24hrs a day 7 days a week which is the normal system functionality for DETS. 
The computers in the lab are monitored constantly through Spiceworks to keep an eye on wear and tear as the 24/7 running operation can cause the computer to develop issues.
E.g. Heating is an issue with constant usage so we need to keep the temp regulated as much as possible.
Another issue in the lab is acid (in the air from testing) that can corrode the system, we do have a large vacuum to take most of the acid in the air out, but the pc’s are still at risk.
Example of Acid corrode
I use Spiceworks following the company policies to make sure that it provides the correct information. This also provides consistency throughout the IT department.
Any faults that show up in Spiceworks are flagged and we repair them as soon as possible to make sure the system runs smoothly.
If it is a serious fault we would have to escalate the fault, remove the system out of the lab and replace it with a spare until resolved.
2.3 All tickets are stored in Spiceworks. See screen shots for example.
– Loss or corruption of data – All data stored on the server, If a computer does crash, we would have all the data from that computer already backed up so the user hasn’t lost anything, If a user comes to us regarding a document Corrupted we would go the computer and right click the old document, and do a document restore, so it restores back to a date that the document was working.
– Loss of service – Prevent loss of service by keeping backup pcs, If a pc does crash and stop working all together, We would have a backup pc ready to replace the old computer, This is essential in the Lab.
– Damage to equipment – Towers are kept on the bench to prevent them from being kicked or tripped over.
One example of advice and guidance is for colleagues to store their work in dedicated folders to make sure work is backed up to the server and not just left on the local pc.
The computer the user is on would synchronise the document and files from there computer every time they log off, to ensure the documents are backed up.
We create user profiles with AD so they have access to the correct information. We then show the user which folder to save their work on after creating the folder & permissions on the server.
All backup procedures are carried out on a nightly basis to prevent any disruption to work. This speeds up the delivery as nobody is logged on to the system.

We can gather information about the usage of the system and data from the server. We can also use Event Viewer & Performance Monitor to get a local diagnostic reading. See screen shots.
Event Viewer
Performance Monitor